Greenwich Spring Teams


AGH's largest and original site at the beautiful campus of Sacred Heart Greenwich (1177 King Street, Greenwich, CT) is home to the largest number of teams and spans the U10 thru U19 age groups.

u10 thru u19 outdoor teams

spring 2025 travel teams

AGTeams are highly selective and are for players who are serious about playing field hockey at a very competitive level and who may have the desire to play as a collegiate athlete. They are able and willing to organize their schedules to make multiple practices during the winter, spring and summer.

For the U10 Age Group, there are no tryouts and all U10 players are welcome to participate. For U12 thru U19 age players, tryouts will be held the first week of April for team placement.

In the spring, players are recommended to train 2 days per week. In addition to training they are expected to attend the scheduled tournaments and playdays. We will accept players who have conflicts due to other spring sports on an individual basis. Players who can not attend training during the week at all are highly encouraged to register for the Sunday Clinics.

This year we will have option to be Part time - AGH Lite for multi-sport athletes. Please contact us to apply.

Teams will play in at least 4-6+ events (home or away) plus any national events (RCCs/NCCS)/showcases (which are additional)

U12-U19 Tryouts

Current AGH Indoor Players do not have to register for tryouts or pay for a tryout fee. However, in order for us to plan tryout groups, you must register directly for the spring team program in your age group and attend tryouts along with new players. 


All existing and new players must attend tryouts for training group placement. 

Please arrive for checkin 30 min prior to your start time. 

Tuesday 4/1 and Thursday 4/3

  • 6-7:30 pm - ALL U16s
  • 7:30-9 pm - ALL U19s 

Wednesday 4/2

  • 6-7:30 pm - ALL U12s
  • 7:30-9 pm - ALL U14s

Week of 4/7 - Additional evaluations during practice times as needed

u12-u19 existing player registration

Existing winter travel players can register directly for the spring program below. Again, all players must attend tryouts regardless if they played winter or are new to the program.

Full Program Registration Below.  Travel Lite requests should be done by email.

U10 Team

The U10 team program is focused on building fundamental skills and game play for young players who are looking for more team structure. There are NO tryouts for U10.  Players will register directly for the program.

Players will be given an AGH pinnie and the custom club uniform (added fee)

High Performance and regional club championship/national club championship teams

U14, U16 and U19 travel players will have the opportunity to be selected to the highly competitive Regional Club Championship teams which will compete in the Region 4 Regional Club Championships hosted by AGH.

The U14, U16 and U19 RCCs will tentatively be hosted at Sacred Heart on June 7 and 8.

Teams that qualify will compete at the USA Field Hockey Club Championships in Virginia from June 24th thru July 2nd in Virginia Beach.

general program schedule


Regional Club Championship Players will have training the week of June 2nd (tbd)

Please note that practice times (dates will be the same) may be adjusted due to a secondary location. 



Mondays 6:00-7:30 pm

Wednesdays 6:00-7:30 pm

3-4+ events

Cost: $1400
